Brothers In Faith And Suffering

Saints Primus and Felician: Martyrs of the Early Church

Brothers in Faith and Suffering

Primus and Felician, brothers from a noble Roman family, converted to Christianity and dedicated their lives to helping the poor and needy. During the Diocletian persecution in 304, they were arrested and imprisoned for their beliefs. Despite torture and imprisonment, they remained steadfast in their faith.

Martyrdom and Veneration

Unable to break their resolve, the authorities ordered their execution. Primus and Felician were beheaded, and their bodies were left for birds and animals to consume. However, a miraculous event occurred: eagles descended from the sky and guarded their remains, preventing any harm. Later, the relics of Saints Primus and Felician were enshrined in a church built in their honor in the village of Jamnik. Their feast day is celebrated on June 9, and they are considered saints and patrons of the poor and those who suffer.

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